Get free advice on how to manage your personal budget. Learn how you can compare the prices for a range of items including energy suppliers and insurance to see how much you could save each month on bills by using the links below. Make sure you are always looking for the best deal.

We can help you make the switch to cheaper suppliers without seeing a drop in the quality of the service you receive. You can test for yourself whether you can tell the difference between expensive big brand items and their cheaper alternatives in one of our taste challenges.

We understand the importance of money management, especially if you are on a limited budget. We can help you maximise what your money can do for you by taking a few simple steps and learning a new habits.

Phone and broadband packages, can switch to a social tariff if you’re struggling to afford your broadband or phone services.

Cheaper broadband and phone packages – Ofcom

Get help with your water bill. Many water companies are running hardship schemes or trust grants that can help pay your bills if you’re eligible.

Help with my bills | CCW

WaterHelp and WaterSure

You can use Money Helper to help budget, check which benefits you are entitled to and other financial tools to help you manage your money.